
Jurassic Park Nails!

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but as I promised I'll be adding more posts from now on. Since it's been a while I decided I should post my most recent and most favorite mani! This mani is based on one of my most favorite movies of all time. The Jurassic Park movie!! I've loved that movie since forever! So anyway, here it is!

So from left to right is the T-Rex, The Jurassic Park banner, Brachiosaurus silhouette with a sunset in the backround using the colors from their iconic jeeps, clever girl because well.. it was an awesome line, and last is a raptor claw.

I personally am so proud of this mani since its been soo long since I haven't done nail art in so long! Thanks for checking this out and hope to hear some feedback from you guys! enjoy!


Its been way too long!

Hey there my fellow followers! It has been so long since my last post! I'm so sorry you haven't heard from me in a while I was busy for while when I was going to school and when I got my new job but I'll try my best to do some new posts soon! (lol so much for my challenge from my last post right?) Anyway I've got a lot more nail polish in my collection so that means reviews and more nail art :) stay tuned folks!


31 day challenge! day 2



For day 2 I decided to use China Glaze Sun Worshipper. I've had this color for about a year now and I only used it once! My sister convinced me to buy it but I never use it because it doesnt look that great on my skin tone!

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August 31 Day Challenge!

Hey everyone! So I decided to take part in this August 31 day challenge!! I'm so excited because I've never done a challenge before so it seems like so much fun! you should all join in :) I am a few days late to post though, because I've been kind of busy these past few days! but here it is!


So for day one I decided to use China Glaze Ruby Pumps and Sally Hansen red crackle over top! I like this mani because its got that rough feel, kind of reminds me of those old alligator skin purses that my aunt used to have lol!

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Hey there everyone! So today I wanted to show you guys my BATMAN mani! For those of you who dont know, I love batman! When I was a kid me and my sis would watch the cartoon, and the show with the real people in it. We also watched the movies, my favorite being the most recent ones of course. I could literally sit and watch them on repeat for days! UNFORTUNATELY my batman mani was a fail LOL. I used tips, only to realize the tips were all too big for most of my fingers, and I also tried my new gel base and top coat, which dont really dry that well under my uv lamp. There was some smudging when I added topcoat, but I'm still really proud of this mani! That was until I nearly poked my eye out.. LOL I got the idea of the bat ears from a picture of some nails a friend posted on facebook a while ago and thought I'd incorporate them into my mani :) anyway, hope you like it!

Michael Jackson Frankens pt2

Hello there my lovlies! Today I am going to show you the second part of my MJ inspired frankens!

Man In The Mirror
This franken is a silvery grey with lots silver glitter, or you could say, lots of tiny "mirrors" LOL. Of course I had to have a nail polish named Man in the Mirror!

Dirty Diana
Dirty Diana is a bright red polish that also has a gold/flakey shimmer. I named this polish Dirty Diana because in his song, he describes Diana all dressed in red, and also becaused I think that the gold shimmer to it represents the fame and fortune that Diana is always after.

The Way You Make Me Feel
Now, this franken is not like the others. The Way You Make Me Feel is a very sheer, holographic top coat with silver, multicolor and silver bar glitters. I named this polish The Way You Make Me Feel because, well, look at it! LOL knocked me off of my feet as soon as I finished making it ahaha! Anyway, it is meant as a top coat but does well on its own as well :)

( Over Man In The Mirror)

(Over Smooth Criminal)

(Over Bad)

(Over Thriller)

(Over Dirty Diana)

(By itself on pinky finger)

And there you have it! My MJ inspired frankens! hope you all love them! Once again, I would like to remind you all that these are NOT my nails, the wonderful KIMBA was kind enough to swatch them for me because my nails were too nubby! Thank you so much Kim!!!
check out her site here: KIMS BLOG


Michael Jackson Frankens, pt1

Hello there everyone! Hope your day is going well! Today I wanted to show you all my Michael Jackson inspired frankens! As I mentioned before in my last post, I'm a fan of his music and I've decided to celebrate his life by making frankens with the names of his songs. I've created six frankens all together, but today I am only going to show you three of them, the mattes. Please note that the pictures are not my nails! I would like to thank the lovely Kimba for swatching these polishes for me! Recently I have broken a lot of nails at work and they were too small and oddly shaped to do swatches on! So thank you, again, Kimba!
And now, onto the good stuff!!


Smooth Criminal is a very black semi matte/glossy polish with fine silver and holographic sparkles. I named this polish Smooth Criminal because its not in-your-face shiny, is very subtle and has a very smooth looking finish.

 Thriller is a dark earthy green matte with some-what a suede-ey finish and a subtle shimmer. The reason I named this polish Thriller is because the first thing that comes to mind when I see this color is the zombies from his Thriller video. I think it makes a great halloweenish color. I am very proud of this franken :)

 Bad is a royal blue with a matte/sued-ey finish with a subtle shimmer. I chose the name bad because when I look at this polish, I literally think, DAMN this is so baddddd! hahah! This is one of my favorite frankens and I am so so proud of this :)

and heres a picture of the three of them with a top coat!

And there you have it! Bad, Thriller, and Smooth Criminal! I really hope you like these colors because I am so proud of them! Thanks for reading! and stay tuned for the other three colors on my post! Enjoy!